This is a LC oscillator that works from KHz up to 100 MHz. It can oscillate any type of LC circuit. You can measure the result with a frequency counter connected to the output. You can oscillate from a few turns in the order of 100 MHz without external capacitor (the internal capacitance is about 8 pF) down to a 15H coil without capacitor !! You can add any capacitor you want and measure the produced frequency. This is one of my most useful circuits. I use it since 1983. I add a 78L09 so I operate it from 12-13.8V.
R1: 56 K
R2: 470 ohm
R3: 470 K
R4: 470 ohm
C1: 39 nF
C2: 47 pF
C3: 47 pF
C4: 100 uF/16 V
C5: 39 nF
C6: 100 nF
J1: BF245
J2: BF245
Q1: BFR99